Minions are the numerous creatures that appear in the Despicable Me franchise, which began with the eponymous 2010 film. They are also the official mascots of Illumination Entertainment, a division of Universal Studios, and have been described as being a corporate icon for Universal/Illumination's parent company Comcast on par with Disney's Mickey Mouse following Comcast's purchase of NBCUniversal. The Minions are small, yellow, melodious henchmen who wear overalls and goggles and have one or two eyes. They mostly speak incomprehensible gibberish, which is partly derived from other languages, including Bahasa Indonesia, French, English, Italian, Spanish, and Hindi. Although seemingly nonsensical, the English-sounding words are dubbed for every country, in order to make them recognizable.
Mr Bullet 2
Poppy Strike
Squid Survival Challenge
Christmas Game Frozen Match 3 Game Sweet Baby Girl
Ben 10 Gold Digger
Hit The Skibidi
School Bus
Crash Bandicoot and Little Panda: On the Run! 2
Squid Game Real Vs Barca
Little Princess Tale
Fastlane: Road to Revenge
Desert 51 Shooting Game
infinity running
Heavy Machinery Jigsaw
Paint Island
Tower Mania
Street Physics
Arrow Hit
Halloween Makeup Artist
Battle Ring
Christmas Match n Craft
Mace of Janissary
Blocky SWAT Zombie Survival 1
Detox Your Mind
Springy Walk
Witch Flight